TCLC in the Press


(07/12/2024)(Hapus subsidi T15: Rakyat skeptikal keberkesanan hala tuju kerajaan - Kajia)(Astro Awani)

(15/11/2024)(TCLC, INSAP lancar tinjauan mengenai kajian klasifikasi pendapatan isi rumah)(Sinar Harian)

(11/11/2024)(Pantau Agenda Reformasi: Tinjauan sentimen rakyat mengenai subsidi, T15)(Astro Awani)

(10/11/2024)(What's a fair income to you?)(The Star)

(10/11/2024)(TCLC, INSAP lancar tinjauan dalam talian mengenai kajian klasifikasi pendapatan isi rumah, penarikan balik subsidy)(Astro Awani)

(10/11/2024)(《中国报》林荣国及张倍敏 为优大媒体系学生授招 辨别虚假信息)(中国)

(05/11/2024)(优大TCLC与INSAP联合发起 民调收集对取消补贴看法)(星洲)

(05/11/2024)(2中心发起线上民调 收集对取消补贴看法)(中国)

(20/10/2024)(Reclaiming history: MCA’s Merdeka contributions)(The Star)

(14/10/2024)(MCA helped Chinese community establish a place in Malaya)(The Star)


(10/09/2024)(Kajian dedah persepsi positif belia terhadap warisan budaya Malaysia)(Sinar Harian)


(19/11/2023)(Analisis tinjauan orang awam mengenai lubuk scam)(Astro Awani Youtube)

(19/11/2023)(Government needs to do more against scammers)(The Star Online)

(19/11/2023)(Greed and risky mindset lead to more victims)(The Star Online)

(19/11/2023)(Kerajaan perlu kawal akses ke negara lubuk scam - Kaji selidik)(Astro Awani)

(19/11/2023)(Lubuk scam: Proses kaji selidik berdepan serangan scammer,)(Astro Awani)

(19/11/2023)(Proses kaji selidik berdepan serangan scammer)(Sinar Harian)

(18/11/2023)(诈骗瘟疫(三)接逾5万求助举报电话 NSRC防诈热线 深入民心)(星洲)

(18/11/2023)(诈骗瘟疫(二)拦截热线止不住失血 保住3054万 只占19%)(星洲)

(18/11/2023)(诈骗瘟疫(一)富向园区求 猪仔救不完 “诈骗世纪瘟疫”毒过COVID)(星洲)


(24/12/2022)(大马道教总会筹款宴 为三清道观筹逾百万)(星)
(20/11/2022)(Study: Young adults taking precautionary measures to cope with rising prices)(The Star Online)
(20/11/2022)(Students must save more to cope with economic challenges, academics say)(The Star Online)
(14/10/2022)(青少年民调显示 85%指通胀致精神压力)(南洋)
(14/10/2022)(優大調查:生活費劇增 85%青年感受通脹壓力)(光明)
(30/09/2022)(Negara bangsa: Fokus penyatuan, henti laung wacana etnik dan agama)(Astro Awani)
(30/09/2022)(Ramai pengundi umur 18 buat keputusan dipengaruhi ibu bapa)(MalaysiaGazette)
(29/09/2022)(Pengundi mahu idea baharu, tawaran pemimpin lama tak laku)(Sina Harian)
(21/08/2022)(Study: Malaysian youths rely on family and friends for GE15 voting advice)(The Star)
(21/08/2022)(Undi18: How Malaysian youths can become better voters in GE15)(The Star)
(16/08/2022)(希盟國陣若想獲華人選票 陳億文:還有努力空間)(光明)
(07/08/2022)(学者: 大马如家庭 各族如手足 “团结是社会现实不是问题”)(星)
26/07/2022)(优大民调:自觉不够了解 青少年未准备好投票)(星)
26/07/2022)(青少年群体不愿投票 36.7%因不相信国家政治系统)(诗)
26/07/2022)(优大民调:青少年群体不愿投票 36.7%因不再相信国家政治体制)(东)
(05/05/2022)(97%青少年受疫情冲击 优大研究:逾半谨慎看待过渡决策)(星)
(05/05/2022)(对迈入地方病持观望 近70%青少年能自我节制)(南)
(05/05/2022)(新冠疫情过渡为地方性流行病 59.91%大马青少年持观望态度)(东)
(05/05/2022)(逾半青少年虽饱受疫情影响 谨慎看待冠病过渡为地方性流行病)(光华)
(02/01/2022)(Young adults want WFH option too)(The Star Online)

31/10/2021)(First Covid-19 digital timeline for M’sia)(The Star Online
26/10/2021)(提供查证冠病资讯一站式网站 优大建疫情数字时间轴)(The Malaysian Insight
25/10/2021)(成立时间轴了解大马疫情全貌 陈亿文:资讯管理能力决定政府成败)(东)
(14/10/2021)(让公众学者获取资料 优大首推冠病数字时间轴)(星)
(05/10/2021)(优大研究:近四成受疫情困扰 青年自我调适应新常态)(星)
(05/08/2021)( INTERACTIVE:In a greying Malaysia, youths opt to remain single)(The Star Online)
(02/07/2021)(Survey sees more youths likely to shun marriage, bigger families)(NST)
(12/05/2021)( 全球华人慈善事业国际研讨会圆满闭幕)

(30/11/2020)(優大9日线上讲座 李赐金分享峇峇娘惹文化)

(28/08/2019)(Instilling nationalism and unity through General Studies)
(24/07/2019)(Chew relates life of lawyer P.G. Lim in book)(The Star)
(29/01/2019)(蔡贤德: 提族群和谐观点建议 陈忠登推新书合适宜)
