The Significance of Chinese Tradition in the Modern World
y Prof. Wang Shou Chang
19 January 2017

A lecture by SC Wang in the University Tunku Abdul Rahman(UTAR) titled “The Significance of Chinese Tradition in the Modern World ( 中国文化传统的现代意义)” by Prof Wang Shou Chang (王守常教授) from Peking University (PKU) that jointly organised by UTAR Centre for Chinese Studies (CCS) and Tun Tan Cheng Lock Centre for Social and Policy Studies (TCLC).

Malaysia-US-China Relations under the Najib, Trump and Xi Administrations: Implications for Malaysia’s GE 14
y Prof. Heng Pek Koon
19 July 2017

A lecture by PK Heng in the University Tunku Abdul Rahman(UTAR), titled “Malaysia-US-China Relations under the Najib, Trump and Xi Administrations: Implications for Malaysia’s GE 14” at Sungai Long Campus on 19 July 2017 that jointly organised by Tun Tan Cheng Lock Centre for Social and Policy Studies (TCLC) and Centre for International Studies.

Ethnic Harmony in Malaysia: Values to Bind and Build
y Prof. Dato’ Dr. Tan Chong Tin
25 January 2019

A lecture by CT Tan in the University Tunku Abdul Rahman, during the launching of the book: "Values to bind and build, a reflection". This is a call to have a paradigm shift to focus on emotional needs; i.e., dignity and identity, in the overcoming of ethnic polarization in Malaysia.

The Future of China-US Relations - Has China Won
by Professor Kishore Mahbubani
13 August 2020

A talk given by Professor Kishore, he is veteran diplomat, student of philosophy, and author of eight books, Kishore Mahbubani is currently a Distinguished Fellow at the Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore.

Book Launch Ceremony and Public Lecture for “Ethnic Relations: Emotion is the key”
by Prof. Datuk Dr. Tan Chong Tin (拿督陈忠登医生)
12 April 2022

A lecture by CT Tan in the University Tunku Abdul Rahman, during the launching of the book: "Ethnic Relations: Emotion is the key". 

TCLC Public Lecture Series: “Menghayati Kesepaduan di Malaysia: Antara Kefahaman dan Amalan”
by Distinguished Professor Dr. Shamsul Amri Baharuddin
13 June 2022

Distinguished Professor Dr. Shamsul AB (Shamsul Amri Baharuddin) delivering a lecture on ethnic relations in Malaysia at UTAR. 

Book Launch and Public Lecture – Sources, Agencies and Manifestations of Overseas Chinese Nationalism in Malaya, 1937-1941
by Dr. Stephen Leong Mun Yoon 
28 December 2022

A lecture by Stephen Leong in the University Tunku Abdul Rahman, during the launching of the book: "Ethnic Relations: Emotion is the key". 

Siri Syarahan ACIS-TCLC:Amalan Pendemokrasian Pendidikan Dalam Pengelolaan Sekolah Agama Islam dan Sekolah Cina di Malaysia
by Dr. Mohd Syuja Saedin
09 Jun 2023

A lecture by Dr. Mohd Syuja Saedin in the University Tunku Abdul Rahman, during the Siri Syarahan that co-organized by ACIS and TCLC.

Siri Syarahan ACIS-TCLC:Harmoni Budaya---Opera Cina di Malaysia
by Ts. Ang Kok Yew
07 July 2023

A lecture by Ts. Ang Kok Yew in the University Tunku Abdul Rahman, during the Siri Syarahan that co-organized by ACIS and TCLC.

TCLC Lecture Series: "Where is Malaysia going towards and Malaysia’s outlook by 2050"
by En. Khairy Jamaluddin
13 August 2024

A lecture by En. Khairy Jamaluddin in the University Tunku Abdul Rahman, during the Lecture Series that organized TCLC.